Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers college level courses and exams that you can take in high school. Taking AP courses in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you:

  1. earn college credit
  2. save money & time
  3. earn advanced placement
  4. stand out to colleges


A Head Start in High School

Research shows that AP students are better prepared for college than students who don’t take AP. They’re more likely to enroll and stay in college, do well in their classes, and graduate in four years. Taking AP can help you:

  1. Get a taste of college
  2. Develop college skills
  3. Discover your passion


Your AP Journey

Here are the steps on the path to college credit and placement:


  1. Sign up
  2. Take the course
  3. Take the exam
  4. Send scores


For more information visit:


AP Exam Registration Dates

September 15, 2021: Registration opens

October 13, 2021: Registration closes

October 16, 2021: All payments are due

Free/Reduced Meal Students: (option 1 students)
AP exam fees ($22.00) for students who qualify for free or reduced meals will be covered 100% by the district.

*Non-Free/Reduced Meal Students: (option 2 students)
AP exam fees for students who DO NOT qualify for free or reduced meals is $48.00 per exam (district will cover 50%, thereby reducing fees from $96.00).

Please make sure that you turn in a meal application.

*Register and pay for your AP exams with Total Registration, our online payment system:

AP 2022 Exam Dates

May 2, 2022

U.S. Government & Politics (AM)
Chemistry (PM)
Spanish Literature (PM)

May 3, 2022

Environmental Science (AM)
Psychology (PM)

May 4, 2022

English Literature & Composition (AM)
Computer Science A (PM)

May 5, 2022

Human Geography (AM)
Macroeconomics (PM)
Statistics (PM)

May 6, 2022

U.S. History (AM)
AP Art and Design (PM)

May 9, 2022

Calculus AB (AM)
Calculus BC (PM)

May 10, 2022

English Language (AM)

May 11, 2022

Spanish Language (AM)
Biology (PM)

May 12, 2022

World History (AM)

May 13, 2022

Physics 2: Algebra Based (PM)

For more information, download our brochure here

AP Student and Parents Informative brochure