Student In Frame - STISD's first-ever Coca Cola Scholar: Alfia Bilal

Student In Frame - STISD's first-ever Coca Cola Scholar: Alfia Bilal

There's often a silent exchange from STISD's first-ever Coca-Cola scholar and soon-to-be grad walking the halls, a student that just keeps going and going and going. Behind that silence, there's a whole lot of sleepless nights, sweat, and tears that others don't see, shaping quite the esteemed and accomplished individual, leading to the beauty behind it all.

Alfia is one of 150 high school seniors from an initial pool of 103,800+ applications from across the country to be named a 2024 Coca-Cola Scholar. That's less than 1/6th of 1% of applicants. 😮 Pretty impressive, don't you think?

Let’s just say when Alfia got the news, she finally broke her silence. She celebrated in the hallways she roams each day, and it was much like The Pointer Sisters’ “I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it” kind of celebration too.

Alfia is incredibly deserving of this accomplishment and is without a doubt a natural born leader - on campus and within her community. 

On campus, Alfia has been the president of her class, HOSA Area Officer, Business Professionals of America Area President, lead student ambassador at her campus, health ambassador, and is part of the STISD student advisory board. Off-campus, she is the lead volunteer with South Texas Health System and facilitates relief drives for border families through the South Texas Islamic Society.

She never quits. Despite the workload, Alfia just keeps going, and is surrounded by the best support system a girl could ever ask for.

Her parents, along with her Irish twin brother and younger brother, play a huge role in her success. Outside her home base, she also has an incredible team of administrators, educators, and counselors at Health Professions that continue to positively impact her educational journey, each in their own unique way. (If you want to hear about them, head over to the full Q&A below). 

Our Coca-Cola Scholar aspires to be the first female surgeon in her family, inspiring future generations, especially within her culture, and striving to be a catalyst for change in healthcare.

Alfia has not yet declared where she plans to pursue her higher education studies but hopes to study somewhere on the East or West Coast.

She’s been an STISD student for the past five years, and it’s been quite the transformative experience that has led her towards pursuing her passions in healthcare. She hopes to one day transform healthcare and make it accessible for all, especially underserved communities.

When our Coca-Cola Scholar isn’t busy with all the activities listed in her 4”x6” handy floral planner or spending time with her Irish twin, she’ll be catching up on sleep or enjoying her favorite movie, Aladdin, while eating Dannon plain whole milk yogurt.

This month we are in frame with Alfia Bilal. 

Student seen smiling

Full Q&A: 

Favorite hobbies? Running and calligraphy 

Favorite music genre? Pop + rap | Favorite artist? Drake, The Weekend & Taylor Swift   

Favorite song? Party Monster by The Weekend 

Favorite subject? AP Physics + Pharmacy  

What has been your greatest school accomplishment so far this year?
Being selected as a 2024 Coca-Cola Scholar 

What CTE program are you part of? Pharmacy Technician 

What profession do you wish to pursue? General Surgery 

Tell us one unique characteristic about yourself. I’m able to connect and build relationships with people quite easily. Because I’m so interested in the healthcare field, I like understanding who I’m talking to and understanding ways I can help them. 

In one word, how would you describe your experience as an STISD/Health Professions student?Transformative 

What advice would you give to someone on the fence about enrolling to one of our schools? 
Don’t limit yourself, but don’t get pressured by others to do something. Do what interests you. 

How have your teachers played a role in your overall well-being as a student? 
They’ve each played a significant role to my overall well-being. 

  • Ms. Ites - She’s my mom away from home and has taught me how to adapt when things don’t go your way.
  • Mrs. Foreman has taught me the value of integrity and to always go above and beyond. She played a huge role in the entire Coca-Cola application process, and I am forever grateful.
  • Mrs. Alvarez is such a fun person to be around.
  • Mr. Navarro is full of advice and wisdom.
  • Ms. Bauer has taught me resilience and how to live life in the present.
  • Mrs. Perez has always shown belief in me even through my worst days and has taught me the importance of self-care and treating yourself amidst all the chaos. 

Who’s your favorite person in the whole world? Mom, Dad, Irish Twin Brother, Younger Brother 

If you could tell your favorite person one thing, what would it be? Bhai (brother), you are the most charismatic person I know, and you have helped me become the person I am today.

What’s your favorite on-campus activity? Spirit Weeks 

Who inspires you? My Irish twin 

What do they inspire you to do? He inspires me not to not take everything to heart. 

Favorite thing to do on the weekends? Sleep and watch Aladdin 

What do you want to be known for? I want to be known as a caring person who can help under-served communities in terms of healthcare.

What would your spirit animal be?  The Energizer Bunny